How to Grow and Scale Traffic to Your Podcast Website [2021 Update]

Guest Post

Podcasts have come of age. As of 2021, there are more than 850K podcasts. So, you can understand the kind of competition this realm faces. Also, if you are serious about podcasting as a career - you must also venture into having a website. That's the only way to diversify your efforts and solidify your impact. 

But how can you grow and scale your podcast website traffic? Especially, in 2021, when this particular niche is booming quickly.  Well, let’s take a look at those strategies:

Have a Content Strategy in Place 

When you think of a website you should automatically start thinking in terms of keywords. It’s the foundation for attracting quality traffic towards your podcast; especially from Google. 

To create a strong content strategy, here’s what you need to take care of - 

  • Keyword Research - To make sure the right kind of audience can find you, you should begin with understanding the kind of keywords they are using to make Google searches. You can either do it yourself with tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs or you can hire an SEO expert. You can find out keywords with monthly search volume, their competition level, keyword difficulty, etc.

  • Competitor Research - Competitor Research is helpful for a myriad of reasons. For one thing, it helps you figure out what is already working in your niche. For another, you can use the gaps in content and podcasting to your advantage. By deconstructing the competitor and their website, you can figure out great content ideas.

  • Search Intent - To create quality content that attracts traffic, you need to look beyond just keywords. You also need to understand the search intent with which a user is inputting a query. For example, you need to figure out the difference between queries that suggest informational intent vs. queries that suggest transactional intent. Accordingly, you can create the kind of content that attracts the right kind of traffic.

Know How to Scale Your Process For Growth

 Many people think that simply writing more blogs is going to bring in traffic. But, that’s not entirely true. In the case of podcasting also, simply creating more episodes is not an ideal way to go. There’s a strong need for you to scale your business as well. 

To scale things up, you need to take podcasting as a serious business. That means you need to recognize the tasks that need outsourcing so you can get more done within the same amount of time.

Here’s an outsourcing system for you to scale your business:

  • Outsource backlinking work to obtain higher Domain Authority

  • Accelerate organic traffic by building links

  • Monetize your site in less than 6 months

Outsourcing is the only way in which you can scale your podcast website for accelerated growth and increase production quality and speed. 

A freelancer can be helpful in that context to:

  • Churn out blogs for your site

  • Promote your podcast on social media

  • Handle all the audio editing and recording work as your producer

  • Manage your channel on YouTube (if you have one)

Build Strategic Relationships that Lead to Growth

No matter which business you’re in - to be successful you must develop quality and meaningful relationships. The same applies to the business of podcasts. You must reach out to other influencers and podcasters in your arena. 

You can collaborate with them and use their audience to your own advantage. It’s an excellent strategy to scale your traffic by tapping into other podcaster’s audiences.

Below are the 3 commonest ways in which you can build relationships -

  • Guest posting 

  • Link building

  • Social media marketing

Let’s see each one of these in detail .

Link Building

Search engines consider backlinks to be a huge factor when it comes to ranking consideration. Links are like the currency which helps you secure a higher position up in the SERPs.

Another reason why you need backlinks is that you get to direct traffic from another website towards yours. In this way, there's always room for scaling the traffic naturally.

Let’s just say if you’re serious about taking your podcast website big, you simply cannot ignore link building. 

Guest Podcasting

Guest Podcasting is another reason that relationship building comes to usage. It's always a good idea to get yourself featured on other podcasts.

To help you better understand, here’s how guest podcasting can help you drive better traffic; especially in 2021 -

  • It can help you with greater reach

  • Sends more traffic your way

  • Excellent for backlinking opportunity

  • Makes you sound like an authority in the niche

The key to building relationships is to get into networking with other podcasters. You should also focus on producing great content. Any podcast that puts out great content naturally starts getting more and more invitations.

Here are some other guest podcasting opportunities you can exploit - 

  • Find podcasts that share a similar audience and reach out to them

  • Join social media groups 

Use tools such as MatchMaker to connect with other podcasters

 Social Media Marketing

Social media is yet another excellent tool for relationship building. The best part is - social media allows you to strengthen relationships with not just other podcasters, but with your audience as well. As long as you can humanize your voice, your audiences would willingly want to spread the word on your behalf. 

Try to create a community online by engaging with your audiences as much as you can.

Below are some ways in which social media can help to generate leads and drive traffic towards your podcast website:

  • By placing a link to your podcast on the social media profile

  • By conducting quizzes and contests to collect user information by getting them to land on your site

  • By tagging influencers and podcasters 

  • Using interaction tools such as going live and using video conferencing

Bottom Line

Hopefully, by utilizing the above method - you’ll be able to drive a ton of quality traffic towards your site in 2021.


The Waveform Issue 10 - Social Audio


The Waveform - Issue 09 - Inner and Outer Space