How to Create the Perfect Home Podcast Studio


Guest Post

The popularity of podcasting has seen a significant rise in recent years. Now, thanks to apps like Anchor and audio software like Audacity and GarageBand, you don’t need to be a tech wizard or sound engineer to put together a podcast and send it out into the world. But, there are over 2 million podcasts out there. Nowadays, it’s not enough to just record something on your phone, publish it in a hurry, and expect to get thousands of listeners.

 Thankfully, it’s easier than you might think to set up a professional podcast studio in the comfort of your own home. By choosing the right space and getting your hands on a few pieces of the necessary gear, you can create a crystal clear podcast that’s as high-quality as any professional outsourced studio.

 f you’re not sure where to get started, we’ve got a few tips on how to bring your home studio to life.

Select the Right Spot

Clearing out a corner of your bedroom for a podcast studio probably shouldn’t be your first choice. While you can turn virtually any room into a studio, it’s best to utilize the most desirable options in your home. With that in mind, there are a few things to look for and a few mistakes to avoid, including:

●      Choosing a room with a lot of reverb

●      Empty rooms

●      Large rooms

●      Rooms with hard surfaces and windows

 Instead, look for rooms that have a nice balance of space and absorption material. Some people like to suggest that a closet is a great place to record, but that isn’t necessarily true. A small closet will cause extremely loud and quick reverb and can make your voice sound distorted.

A bedroom or bathroom can be a great place to record, as long as it has some rugs, curtains, or pillows to absorb some of the sounds. It’s also a good idea to make sure any excess noise isn’t going to interrupt your recording. So, if you decide to podcast in the bathroom, pay attention to any hammering or banging pipes — it may be time to call a plumber before you record — and make sure your neighbors are being quiet before you start.

Create the Right Vibe

Once you’ve found the perfect space, your next step in creating a home studio is to set it up in a way that is practical, professional, but also shows off your personality.

One of the most important things to do is to make sure the space isn’t overly cluttered. That can be a problem when you’re using a room that is already being utilized for other things. Clearing away as much clutter as possible will keep you from getting distracted, and it will add a more professional touch to your studio. Other benefits of decluttering that can help you strike a professional tone include:

●      Reduced stress

●      Reduced anxiety

●      Improved focus

●      Better health

 Once you’re starting with a clean slate, you can start to add personal pieces that make your studio more comfortable. Having furniture is a great way to absorb sound, take breaks, and create a welcoming atmosphere if you ever have guests on your podcast.

Pictures of friends and family, little trinkets or figurines, or even artwork that inspires you are all great options to bring into the studio. Remember, no matter what your podcast is about, your voice needs to be authentically you. Having a place that makes you feel comfortable is the key to achieving that, so bring in what you need to feel more “at home.”

Get the Right Gear

You can’t record a podcast without the right equipment. Thankfully, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on fancy recording gear to create something that sounds clear and professional. Start with the basics when it comes to equipment, including:

●      A reliable laptop with a fast processor

●      A quality microphone

●      A sound-mixing software program

●      Noise-canceling headphones

Depending on your room, you might also want to invest in some foam pieces that can attach to the wall. Sometimes, larger rooms are all you’ll be able to work with. Foam padding can provide sound absorption without breaking the bank!

 As you start to learn more about recording and want to upgrade the quality and features of your podcast, you can invest in more equipment. Many times, however, you might find that you don’t need to make expensive changes to have something that sounds great.  

With the right idea, the right space, and the right gear, you can transform a room in your home into the perfect podcast studio to bring your thoughts to life. Remember, the most important things are to have an original show idea and to let your personality shine through. Being at home can make that easier, so your voice can be heard – literally and figuratively, and you can cut through the noise of the competition.

About the author

Dan Matthews is a writer, content consultant, and conservationist. While Dan writes on a variety of topics, he loves to focus on the topics that look inward to help develop one's self, in turn developing mankind to make the surrounding world a better place to reside. When Dan isn't working on new content, you can find him with a coffee cup in one hand and searching for new music in the other.

Image Source: Unsplash



The Waveform - Issue 14


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